The Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm on Friday, September 6, 2024. Thanks for your understanding.
Christian Marclay
This must be the place : an oral history of Latin American artists in New York, 1965-1975
Lost libraries : Abigail Reynolds’ art journey
David Hammons : body prints, 1968-1979
Book of hours / Kara Walker
Birds of the West Indies / Taryn Simon
X, Y, Z / Ignacio Uriarte
Bad manners : on the creative potentials of modifying other artists’ work
Seth Siegelaub : “better read than dead” : writings and interviews, 1964-2013
Dissapearing: California c.1970: Bas Jan Ader, Chris Burden, Jack Goldstein
Dara Birnbaum. Note(s) : work(ing) process(es) re: concerns (that take on/deal with)
Theaster Gates. Amagalgam