On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


The Role of Cartographies in the Processes of Classroom and Educational Centre Transformation Educational conferences for teachers


One of the contributions that derive from the approach of globalized learning and projects is the importance that is given to the development of multiple literacy (textual, oral, visual, body and aural) when it comes to giving an account of the processes and trajectories of the apprentices. Within the visual contributions, cartographies are revealed as a strategy that allows to situate biographical, spatial and temporal events, and that opens up narrative, reflective and evaluative possibilities that make it possible not only to follow the learning paths, but also their own interrelations with situations and experiences inside and outside schools. In addition, they allow us to connect with the life of the apprentices.


Taking the contributions derived from the research project APREN-DO: How teachers learn: educational implications and challenges to face social change (EDU2015- 70912-C2-1-R) as a starting point, we invite you to share and debate a series of contributions that have in common the development of different types of cartographies linked to trajectories and experiences of learning in a meaningful way.


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