On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Antoni Tàpies Chair

Antoni Tàpies in the Reflection Hall at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona. © Comissió Tàpies / VEGAP, 2023. Photography: Frederic Camallonga. Courtesy Pompeu Fabra University.

With the participation of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the Antoni Tàpies – UPF Chair of Contemporary Art and Thought, is a space for research, knowledge and debate on contemporary reality, with the world of Tàpies as its starting point. It is, therefore, a fundamental tool for encouraging research, teaching and knowledge transfer in relation to Antoni Tàpies and the world, nationally and internationally. Interaction amongst independent professionals, historians, researchers and artists, along with ongoing dialogue with researchers and professors from universities and academic centres from the world over, with the confluence of various disciplines, areas of knowledge and understandings, are factors that come together to constitute this programme’s raison d’être.

The programme is intently led by a group comprised, for the Foundation, of Imma Prieto, director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Manuel Borja-Villel, member of the board of trustees, and Judith Barnés, head of public programmes. For the university, it includes Eva March, Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities of Pompeu Fabra University, Raquel Bouso, Vice-Rector of Culture and Communication, and Vanesa Daza, Vice-Rector of Knowledge Transfer. Eva March is the academic head of the Chair.

Activities planned by the Antoni Tàpies Chair include the following:

  • The creation and promotion of the International Research Award, conceived for postdoctoral researchers.
  • The creation of a stable series of publications related to the International Research Award.
  • The encouragement and support of pre-doctoral and post-doctoral studies.
  • The establishment of interuniversity research projects.
  • The organisation of seminars and activities for debate and reflection.