On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Affects as pedagogy: Relation between, space, time and bodies


‘Affects as pedagogy: Relation between, space, time and bodies’ is a conference to explore how the concept of affect transforms the pedagogical praxis.


This event aims to connect teachers, academics and cultural agents in an open way. Creating spaces for debate, the conference will look to share different experiences (academic, artistic and educative), as well as interdisciplinary knowledge (education, arts, humanities…). Thus, we invite researchers, university students, teachers, artists and cultural agents to submit an abstract and participate.


The conference is organized by the doctoral programme in Visual Arts and Education of Fine Arts Faculty of University of Barcelona in collaboration with the research groups Esbrina and Indaga-t. Both groups have developed research projects interested in contextual and experiential dimensions of learning.