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  • László-Moholy-Nagy-Fotogramas-1922-1943

László Moholy-Nagy. Fotogramas 1922-1943


Price for friends: 31,50 €

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Catalogue with one-hundred-and-ninety-two ‘frames’ or luminous compositions of László Moholy-Nagy, made between 1922 and 1939-41, which present the various facets of the development of the optical and chemical possibilities derived from this technique. It includes a selection of writings by Moholy-Nagy that bring together the theoretical aspects of his work.

Authors: Renate Heyne, László Moholy-Nagy, Herbert Molderings, Floris M. Neusüss

Publisher: Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Year of edition: 1997

Languages: Spanish

Book format: 29 x 24,1 cm.

Pages: 240 p.; b/w. illustrations

Binding: paperback

ISBN: 84-88786-19-0


Additional information

Weight 2,5 kg