On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Space Rental

The Museum Tàpies building, formerly the headquarters of the Montaner and Simón publishing house, was built between 1881 and 1885 by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and is one of the landmarks of Barcelona Art Nouveau.



Building by Montaner and Simon


Situated at the heart of Barcelona’s Eixample, it is one of the most emblematic examples of Catalan Modernisme. It has several privileged spaces that lend themselves to private functions.

The Museum Tàpies offers visitors an opportunity to precede the event with a guided tour of the building and the permanent and/or temporary exhibition.

All the Museum Tàpies spaces can be used for photographic reports and filming.


(t) +34 934 870 315

More information

Emplena aquesta butlleta i ens posarem en contacte amb tu.
També es pot contactar per telèfon 934 870 315, o e-mail: espais@museutapies.org

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