On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Engagement. Research project

The Fundació Antoni Tàpies has joined the Engagement project and initiated its own pilot scheme for a new model of relationship with the Museum’s visitors. We have created some devices that invite us to explore the history of the building that houses the Fundació: a on line volumetrics and a physical itinerary.


The Fundació opened its doors in June 1990 in the building of the former Editorial Montaner y Simón publishing house, the work of the Modernist architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Constructed between 1880 and 1881, at an early stage of the evolution of Catalan Modernism.


The on line volumetrics allows you to tour three-dimensionally through the floors and the façade of the building, while also accessing archive and audiovisual images on the four stages of its history.

In a unique experience, once in the Fundació visitors are invited to tour the Museum with a personal narrator who explains its history and its architectural features. The tour includes the work Sondear by Mika Vainio, created in 2001 for the exhibition Architectures of Discourse, curated by Ute Meta Bauer. It is a sound work that records the urban environment in real time through the vibrations of vol i cadira (Cloud and Chair, 1990). At the end of the itinerary, a touch table facilitates participatory viewing of images and other material related to the history of the building.

Engagement is a research project that aims to rethink the way museums relate to the public by putting forward a new model that places the user at the centre through the introduction of new technologies.


The project poses a paradigm shift through a double challenge:


Firstly, it proposes improving and personalising the public’s experience, promoting participation and engagement with the museum through the integration of technologies that allow interaction with the contents, making them more accessible and enriching the experience.


Secondly, thanks to the collection and analysis of the data generated during the visit, the institution receives information with which to improve the organisation and internal functioning of the museum or cultural centre.


Engagement proposes a new way of doing things in museums, the integration of a model that feeds on the public’s experience within the cultural space and leads to changes and improvements that the institution implements in order to improve the level of public satisfaction. Furthermore, the Engagement Model may be standardised in order to be replicated by and adapted to other museums and cultural centres in Catalonia.


Engagement is a collaborative project led by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra with the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, the Indissoluble and Mobile Media Content companies, and Eurecat. Centre Tecnnològic de Catalunya, within the framework of the Comunitat RIS3CAT Media projects co-financed by ACCIÓ.


We invite you to take part in this pilot scheme to help us improve this new model. If you are interested, please send an email to inscripcions@ftapies.com.


Help us to transform the Fundació. Join in us in this pilot scheme!