On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Setting the family table!


Setting the family table can be a ritual! Do you fold the napkins in any special way? Do you have an assigned place at the table? Do you use a favourite plate or glass?


On this occasion, we invite you to share with us your ritual when setting the table as a family activity related to the new exhibition of works by Antoni Tàpies.


First, we will observe and discuss a selection of works in which objects related to daily activities take centre stage. Then, through a game of shadow play, we will examine the expressive and plastic potential of the body and gesture, as we interact with different everyday objects.


These choreographies will allow us to reflect on the importance of the ritual of the meal understood as a shared time and space that facilitates communication and affective relationships within the family environment.