On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


“Novel·la”. Reading club


We invite you to a reading club in collaboration with the Finestres, La Central and La Impossible bookshops, based on a theme running through the curatorial line of the exhibition Tàpies. Melancholia: the disintegration of the Soviet world and communism as a political system. As Josep Ramoneda points out in his prologue to Enzo Traverso’s Left-Wing Melancholia, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 put an end to the old utopias. This was the cause of great disappointment for Catalan progressive intellectuals, such as Antoni Tàpies, who at the time experienced a deep feeling of loss and nostalgia for a past that would never return.


[*Novel·la (1965) is an artist’s book featuring a selection of documents and texts by Joan Brossa and lithographs by Antoni Tàpies.]




· El jardinero de Ochákov, by Andrei Kurkov (Blackie Books), with Oriol Pastor from La Central bookshop. Tuesday 31 May 2022, 18.30 h., at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies.


· La maleta, de Sergei Dovlatov (LaBreu Edicions), with Carlos Acevedo from Finestres bookshop. Thursday, 16 June 2022, 18.30 h., at the Finestres bookshop.


· Cinco inviernos, by Olga Merino (Alfaguara), with Olga Federico & Mireia Perelló from La Impossible bookshop. Tuesday, 5 July 2022, 18.30 h., at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. With attendance of the author.