On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Light and Ink


Activity conducted by the artists Laura Ginès Bataller and Bea Ortiz as part of the Barcelona Dibuixa festival.


Bruce Conner (McPherson, Kansas, 1933 – San Francisco, 2008) is a legendary figure, known both for his critical vision of the art world and for his reputation as the father of the video clip. Political and subversive, his work covers various media, making him a transversal artist who moves through assemblage, drawing, painting, collage, photography and film.


As part of the exhibition dedicated to the artist, we propose a black-and-white drawing workshop in which each participant will contribute a few frames of a collaborative film that will be viewed during the process of creating the images.


Laura Ginès Bataller is an audiovisual artist. She develops animated graphics projects from her own studio, commissioned by very diverse commercial enterprises.


Some of her most personal films have been exhibited in art centres and specialised film theatres, such as the CCCB’s Xcèntric, the Filmoteca de Catalunya and the Anthology Film Archives in New York, among others.


Bea Ortiz has a degree in Fine Arts specialising in painting. She has participated in individual and group exhibitions in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid and Paris. She later came to realise that she prefers sharing her passion for art with other people, in a practical and communal way. Currently, she works as an educator at different museums in Barcelona.