On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Espais C

Spaces for artistic creation in primary schools

Espais C is a programme aimed at state primary schools in Barcelona. It is based on the idea of bringing together individual artists, or artist collectives, within the school, wherein artists develop a one-year residency that also provides them as creators with a space (preferably a studio or workshop) where their residency is located. Residencies in the school can be extended for a maximum of one year.

The Espais C programme is promoted by the Consorci d’Educació, Barcelona, and the Institut de Cultura, Barcelona, with guidance from the Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona. The general coordination and mediation of the programme is conducted by Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani, and by Experimentem amb l’ART, with the participation of Hangar, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Fundació Suñol, La Capella and Chiquita Room.

The Espais C project has grown out of the spirit of the Room 13 International initiative, first carried out in 1994 at the Caol Primary School in Scotland. In Barcelona, the first stage of the Espais C project (2015–20) developed its own individual characteristics, but following the same method of creating an art studio within a school, coordinated and run by the children together with the resident artist/s.

The latest stage of Espais C was launched during the 2021–22 academic year, initiating a new format that emphasises the links between educational centres, art centres and creative spaces. For the 2023-2024, the museum’s Education department is mediating the Espai C located at Escola Dolors-Monserdà Santapau with the artists Gonzalo Elvira and Anita García.