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Seminar “Memory and Trauma”


8 May | 18:00-20:30


Public Programme



3 €

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With the Fundación Rādika

Session dedicated to exploring memory, beyond neural connections and the brain, as a dynamic structure connected to breathing, and trauma as an undigested and inherited experience. This seminar will feature the participation of Nazareth Castellanos, neuroscience researcher, Mario Salvador, psychologist and psychotherapist, and Maria Macaya, founder and president of Rādika, dedicated to giving voice to mental and emotional health issues.



6 p.m. Presentation of the seminar by Imma Prieto and Maria Macaya

6:15 p.m. Conference “The knots of memory” by Nazareth Castellanos

Memory is based on the neural threads or connections of brain structures such as the hippocampus. However, far from being a memory storage process, is dynamic and presents certain knots and creates false memories that are forgotten as a result of mental agitation. Beyond the brain, memory also depends on breathing.

18:45 Break

7 p.m. Conference “The transgenerational inheritance of trauma”

Trauma is a silenced scream and unmetabolized pain. The experience that could not be digested by our ancestors is transmitted to subsequent generations, both through epigenetic inheritance and later in relationships. We have a personal history and a prehistory that precedes us, our identity does not begin in our life but rather we are a continuation of the history of our lineage.

Mario Salvador

7:30 p.m. Discussion and open question session

20.15 h. Final



Nazareth Castellanos

She has been researching and teaching in the field of neuroscience for more than twenty years. Graduate in Theoretical Physics and Doctor of Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Master in Mathematics applied to biology and Master in Neurosciences from the Faculty of Medicine of the UAM.

She has worked as a researcher and teacher in the Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience laboratory at the CTB (Complutense and Polytechnic University of Madrid), at the Max Planck brain research institute in Frankfurt and at Kings College in London. Currently, she directs research at the Nirakara – Lab and the UAM chair, Mindfulness and Cognitive Sciences. She has published more than fifty articles on international scientific journals and collaborated on university books. She also teaches classes at Spanish, German, English and American universities.

More than ten years ago she began teaching neuroscience courses for the general public. Learning to disseminate this technical knowledge has been one of the great learnings of her career since it involves thinking about the impact of what she does in the laboratory. She wonders if we could know ourselves from the study of the brain.


Mario Salvador

Psychologist and specialist in clinical psychology, he is co-director of ALECE, Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy of Trauma and of Brainspotting Spain. With forty years of experience in the practice of psychotherapy, is an International Trainer in Trauma Integration and Reprocessing Psychotherapy, Aleceia Model, Transactional Analyst (EATA-ITAA), Trainer and Supervisor in Brainspotting by BTI, Co-creator, trainer and supervisor in Aleceia Model of Trauma Reprocessing.

Currently, he is president of the Spanish Brainspotting Association and Treasurer of the Ibero-American Psychotrauma Association (AIBAPT). He co-directs and is one of the main teachers of the Aleceia Model Trauma Reprocessing Psychotherapy program at the Aleces Institute and an international teacher in Brazil, Italy, Slovenia, Ecuador, Romania, Russia and Austria. He is also the author of the books Beyond the self. Finding our essence in healing trauma and Who I am? From Dissociation to Integration, co-author of the book The power of Brainspotting and author of several articles in the area of ​​psychological trauma.


Maria Macaya

With a degree in Art History and International Relations from Tufts University and in Creative Writing from Stanford University, a master’s degree in Art Criticism from Columbia University, she founded Rādika in 2016 with the intention of giving a voice to mental and emotional health and provide knowledge and tools for well-being. Through the Rādika platform, she offers courses and training and interviews with professionals dedicated to relieving emotional and mental distress.

Macaya specializes in trauma and trauma-sensitive yoga. She is certified in Gabor Maté’s Compassionate Inquiry professional program, has a 300-hour certification from the Center for Trauma and Embodiment in Brookline, Massachusetts, in the TCTSY methodology and in the advanced programme from the Center for Yoga and Trauma Recovery in San Francisco. She is also certified in addictions and recovery with Stanford University and has studied neuroscience with King’s College. She is also a Jivamukti 800 hour advanced yoga teacher and trains teachers at this school.

Currently, she is undergoing training in contemplative accompaniment in death.


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