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Today is Tàpies: Gloria Moure – Mabel Palacín


17 September | 18:00-19:00


Public Programme

Meeting point

Museu Tàpies


3 €

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Organised by the Museu Tàpies as part of the Tàpies Centenary Year, Today is Tàpies is a series of transgenerational and interdisciplinary conversations conducted and moderated by the cultural journalist Rita Roig (Terrassa, 1997). The aim is to interpret Tàpies’ texts as a starting point for reflecting on current issues such as ecology, the right to self-determination, interculturality and political commitment in art.

The words and ideas of the artist will be revisited during a series of thirteen sessions, with invited participants from different generations and diverse professional fields (culture, education, science, politics, environment, health and human sciences) helping to construct a polyphonic story that will be collected in the form of a podcast. Thanks to the collaboration of Catalunya Ràdio, the podcast will allow us to experience the generated knowledge in another format and in another context.


Chapter 9: Being an Artist: Philosophers of Combat and Action

“Can we talk today about the status of artist in a general way, with features common to all of them?” wondered Antoni Tàpies. The artist was fascinated by creators of all kinds who represented radically different archetypes. From the spiritual Zen master to the versatile Renaissance man, the definition of an artist can take so many forms, that we can get lost in a sea of relativism and conventions. But what does being an artist mean in today’s world? Is mastery of a technique enough? Must one know one is an artist in order to be one? In this conversation Gloria Moure and Mabel Palacín discuss the conception of the artist and the role they are to play in society.



Gloria Moure is an art historian and freelance curator. In the course of her career she has been director of the Fundació Espai Poblenou (Barcelona) and the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (CGAC, Santiago de Compostela). In the last fifteen years, alongside her role as a curator, she has worked extensively in publishing. She currently heads Colección 20_21, a series of monographs published by Ediciones Polígrafa that has a prominent place among the collections of work and writing by leading contemporary artists.


Mabel Palacín is a multidisciplinary artist who works in film, video and photography. Her work reflects on the centrality of images in the contemporary world and on how we relate to them. She is also interested in the multiplicity of formats of images and in how they influence our relationship with the world. She sees images as theoretical agents able to construct models on the basis of which to understand and expand today’s visual landscape.


Today is Tàpies programme

Podcasts Today is Tàpies, by Catalunya Ràdio.


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