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Following the Sun: Berta Prieto + Aina Serena



20 July | 19:00-21:00


Public Programme

Meeting point

Museu Tàpies


€12. Reduced price for individuals under 30 years old and for students.

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The roof of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies is to become an experimental playground for Opimelissa, a collective who cook, sing, dance and lots more. We’ll be following the sun with the gentle irony and humour of Júlia Barbany, the architecture of the catchy electrosong of Petit Ibèric, the philosophical canticles of Max Grosse about the life and lovesickness of an odd sock with a hole in it, the egodilirium of the sharp-penned dramatist and writer Berta Prieto (if you don’t know who she is yet, you’re living in a cave!), the rhythm of DJ, performer and militant for self-governance Meritxell de Soto, the overflowing energy of tender, multi-faceted punkmother Belén Barenys, the experimental Latin music of Deprerreo, the contorted body of Candela Capitán, who denounces the sexualisation of women through convulsive metrics.

Fifth session of the programme Following the Sun, an experimental series of sound and stage performances, presenting nine new sessions by young creative talents. The programme, curated and produced by Carolina Olivares Esturillo, aims to promote the youthful, inexhaustible energy of artists to light up and give new life to Tàpies’ solitary sock that presides over the Fundació’s roof terrace.


Fifth session: Berta Prieto + Aina Serena

“Final de curs, tú la letra y yo la música” is an experiment that wants to conclude this year where the impossibility of finding concrete has marked our days. She blah blah blah blah and in the end nothing. I don’t even know what I’m saying, but I can’t stop talking. Let everyone be quiet, I want to hear my thoughts! Let my thoughts be silent, I want to listen to everyone! Consent, desire, limits… My goodness, what a year. How would all these reflections sound? Everything is so important! I don’t understand anything you’re saying. On the other side is the utopia of gesture, abstraction, suggestion… I also want to exist in doubt, but doubt is only a fantasy: we don’t have time. You are too literal, too literal, you are too literal: “too much baby.” He has to learn to shut up in class. He doesn’t participate enough. With the inability to speak, Berta Prieto, the girl who cannot stop talking: something never seen before in this circus! And, with the condemnation of abstraction, Aina Serena: unable to materialize a single thought! Accompany these poor “geeks” to resolve the definitive dispute between word and gesture, reason and emotion, literality and poetics.

Berta Prieto was born in 1998 and spent all her childhood and adolescence in Celrà, until he decided to go to Barcelona and study interpretation. It started to write to give herself and her friends roles, and so she has completed three works: El Chinabum (La Gleva), Fuck You Modern Family (Sala Beckett and Bitó Productions) and Derecho a Pataleta: the most exciting mission of the spies of true (Sala Beckett). She is one of the creators of the Autodefensa series, nominated for many awards important etc. He has also started speaking and writing in different spaces of prestige such as the CCCB or El País. Now she is also very busy writing another play, another series and having many ideas to continue living of the story.


Programme curated and produced by Carolina Olivares Esturillo

Design: Ana Habash and Ignasi Ayats. Illustrated by: Eduard Sales

Ticket sales through the Fundació website and at the box office. Limited capacity

Link to the full programme.


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