On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


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20 October | 10:00-15:00




Activity within the Espais C project and the Barcelona Dibuixa festival

Become a Friend

Workshop run by Anita García and Gonzalo Elvira as part of the Barcelona Dibuixa festival

Anigetals are beings that are turning from animals into plants, invented at Espai C at the Dolors Monserdà School by Anita García, Gonzalo Elvira and the students taking part. Could the anigetals live in a work by Antoni Tàpies? We invite you to take part in a drawing and collage workshop designed for people of all ages to take us into the forest of Misiones (in northern Argentina), as described by Horacio Quiroga in Cuentos de la selva, at the same time allowing us to discover Tàpies’ work and local flora.