On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Cookies policy


What is a cookie?


This website uses its own and third-party cookies to enhance the user’s experience. A cookie is a small file that stores information and is downloaded to your computer for various purposes when you visit the website: saving browser preferences, compiling statistical data, enabling technical features, etc. Cookies can be first- or third-party, depending on the body that manages the domain from which they are sent and where the data collected is processed.



Which cookies does the Fundació Antoni Tàpies use?


Here we list the cookies used at www.fundaciotapies.org, along with a description of their functions:


Own Cookies


Cookie Name In order
Session __cfduid Used to identify the user and to know their preferences.
Technique _icl_current_language It allows to establish and remember the language in which the Web page is viewed.
Session eucookie By checking whether the web browser has cookies enabled.
Technique wfvt It is used to protect the Web against malicious attacks.
Technique wordfence_verifiedHuman Used to offer security when browsing the Web page.
Technique wfwaf Used for security reasons to avoid attacks on the Web.
Technique wp-settings Used to customize the user interface.


Third-party Cookies


Cookie Name In order
Analytic __ga These are used to distinguish users.
Analytic __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz Statistical reports on how users to find the Website and how they use the visual resources of the website: videos played, viewing time, browser type …
Analytic UID, vuid Identifier for Vimeo statistical reports.



How can I disable cookies?


All browsers allow you to block or eliminate installed cookies. Below, you will find instructions to disable cookies in different browsers:


Internet Explorer


If your browser is configured to disable cookies, you can browse through the web but you may find it difficult to use the advanced options of registered users.