On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


The Anxiety of Influences. Tàpies Seen by Llena





Catàleg “Kerry James Marshall” Postal Black Love

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Antoni Llena.


Antoni Tàpies.

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Antoni Llena’s provocative discourse launches a new exhibition series at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies entitled Anxiety of the influences.

Anxiety of the influences is a series of interpretations of the work of Tàpies by other creative talents of our time. These presentations by distinguished painters, sculptors, poets and philosophers become therefore the basis on an anxiety, the untangling of which will tell us as much about the works of the creator as it does about the imagination of the artist interpreting them. Anxiety of the influences thus hopes to acquaint the public with the artist’s creative processes. These are revealed through the artist’s search for his own identity, especially in those instances when encountering other artists, and therefore other creative processes.

“Tàpies is both pretext and protagonist here. Pretext, because the work of art is not only the testimony of an artist or of that artist’s immortality, but is also the testimony of the permanence of humanity. For art reinvents us in recreating myth, even when demythologising it. However, while it is true that we exist because we have imagined ourselves, it is also true that this creation is made in time. The artist, looking at himself and letting himself he looked at, discovers himself and makes us discover ourselves.

This exhibition is composed of instants and searches. Of instants, because artistic creation – the effort, the work of the artist – is directed towards achieving unity, and this is only attainable for an instant. Of searches because each instant must change to prolong itself.

Along this journey I have interwoven the humble and the haughty, eroticism and religion, the sacreligious and sacred, the solitary and solidary, passion and reason, as experiences of realities, born from the same confusion.”

Antoni Llena