On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Presentation of CLUB9

With Oscar Abril Ascaso, Joan Casellas and Manuel Morales.

Performance de Laia Estruch: LOW-TECH MUSIC SESSION 2020, CONFERÈNCIES, La Virreina Centre de la Imatge.



In 1995, during the exhibition In the Spirit of Fluxus at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Oscar Abril Ascaso and Joan Casellas founded CLUB7, the first cultural platform promoting performance art in Spain. Five years later, CLUB8 took the lead by curating the eBent festival at the CCCB. Twenty-five years later, CLUB9 was born, a new initiative that gives continuity to this curatorial work, and an association that puts the history of performance art in our country at its center.


CLUB9’s first project is ARTefACTe, a laboratory of new cultural institutions, deployed from the joint curatorship of a program of performatic practices. With this objective, ARTefACTe constitutes itself as a space to experiment collaborative strategies of democratic governance between the nodes of the metropolitan visual arts ecosystem. That is, Artefacto is a performative action in itself.


The event will be hosted by Oscar Abril Ascaso, founder of CLUB9, Joan Casellas, co-founder of CLUB7 and Manuel Morales, member of CLUB8, each of whom will tell us about the projects they are managing. They will also talk about the history of performance art in our country in the last thirty years.




11.00 h. Performance Zyklus fir Wassereimer by Tomas Schmit, 1962, performed by Joan Casellas.

11.30 h. Presentation by Oscar Abril Ascaso (CLUB9), Joan Casellas (CLUB7) and Manuel Morales (CLUB8).

12.30 h. Performance X For Henry Flynt by La Monte Young, performed by Oscar Abril Ascaso.

13.00 h. Conclusion.