On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Cut-and-paste stories. Collage workshop with Teresa Rubio



In this workshop, we will explore the creative and educational possibilities of collage for creating new narratives. Our starting point will be the methodology used by the artist Goshka Macuga, for whom history is not a fixed narrative, but must be constantly questioned and reassessed.


We will work with images from archives and other sources. We will use the various techniques offered by collage to look at historical facts from different points of view so they can acquire new meanings. Starting with intuitive exercises, open to chance or subject to restrictions, we will use collage as a speculative and practical methodology enabling us to make free associations of images and past references, so we can rediscover history as something alive and flexible.


Teresa Rubio is a cultural mediator, art educator and collage artist. She studied Art History at the universities of Salamanca and Siena. She has a DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Masters in Art Criticism and Communication from the Universitat de Girona. From 2008 to 2020, she was Co-Director of the Education Department of the Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, l’Hospitalet. She is currently in charge of education and mediation at the Centre d’Art La Capella, Barcelona, and collaborates with Apropa Cultura on ways to improve access and visits to museums.


She is a specialist in museum education, where she uses the imaginative, poetic and critical potential of the artistic processes to generate spaces in which to meet and bring art and life together. She applies artistic methodologies to ways of learning by encouraging experimentation and working with the body and senses. Her interests lie in diversity and affection, and the practice of collage as language and metaphor.