On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Many Movies. Family activity accompanying the exhibition Bruce Conner. Light Out of Darkness




Based on Bruce Conner’s first film A MOVIE (1958), made for three dollars from images taken from newsreels and advertisements, we are organising a family activity where you can make your own movies with minimal resources. We will visit the exhibition to be inspired by the techniques of assemblage and animated collage. We will experiment with the Mashup Table, an instrument that allows editing in an intuitive and collaborative way, combining archive images, music and special effects.


Activity conducted by Drac Màgic.


Drac Màgic is a social initiative cooperative founded in 1971 and dedicated to the study and dissemination of audiovisual culture. Their mission is to generate thought and action around images to contribute to the construction of a responsible, active and creative society in relation to visual culture and its role in the creation of imaginaries. They aim to contribute to social transformation based on their core values of cooperativism, feminism, a commitment to the culture of peace and attention to diversity. Their main projects are: Construir Mirades, an educational project for training in audiovisual languages; Barcelona International Women’s Film Festival, to promote films directed by women; and Pack Màgic, a children’s film distributor.