On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Parla, parla


Parla, parla (Speak, speak, 1992), is a work by Antoni Tàpies. It covers a series of guided visits to the exhibitions currently underway. Each artist will share their account of the exhibition with those attending, highlighting their own personal impressions, experiences or recounting details of their professional careers.





Tuesday February 11 2020: Antoni Tàpies. Theatre, guided visit by Xavier Albertí, current artistic director of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.

Friday March 6 2020: Antoni Tàpies. Theatre, guided visit by Glòria Bordons, vice president of studies of the Fundació Joan Brossa.

Thursday September 10 2020: Antoni Tàpies. The acid is my the knife, guided visit by Eva Figueras, Professor of Fine Arts at Universitat de Barcelona and artist.

Thursday September 17 2020: Antoni Tàpies. Theatre, guided visit by Núria Homs, Curator of the foundation and the exhibition.

Friday September 18 2020: Antoni Tàpies. The acid is my the knife, guided visit by Joan Roma, printer.