On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Presence and Space




This workshop, conducted by Roger Sans from MUOM and conceptually linked to the exhibition Tàpies: The Zen Imprint, will be organised in two parts.


The first part will be dedicated to spontaneous singing as an expression of presence and to the connection between presence, movement, gesture and spontaneous singing.


The second part of the workshop will conceive space as interdependence and harmony using collective singing, leading to listening in a group and the harmonisation of the group and the circle of voices. 


MUOM is an overtone singing vocal ensemble based in Barcelona, with wide experience in singing education and a range of activities so that anyone who wishes can acquire useful tools, regardless of their level, from people with no previous experience to professional musicians and choirs.


The admission price for the workshop includes entry to the Museum and the exhibitions.


[Photography: Rodrigo Vazquez]
