On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.



Attends a clandestine assembly in the monastery of Montserrat, near Barcelona, to protest against the so-called ‘Burgos Trial’ in which a military court is judging opponents of the Franco dictatorship. Throughout the year he intensifies his production of object-sculptures and his experience in the field of assemblage. In a similar vein he produces the mural Gran esquinçall for the new theatre in Sankt Gall, Switzerland. Publication of La pràctica de l’art, a compilation of his writings and statements. Alexandre Cirici publishes Tàpies, testimoni del silenci. Solo exhibitions in New York, Baden-Baden, Stockholm, Barcelona and Milan.


Produces the suite of drawings and collages Cartes per a la Teresa, subsequently published in book form in 1974. He presents his recent assemblages and object-sculptures, produced between 1968 and 1970, at the Galerie Maeght in Zurich. Collaborates with André du Bouchet on the collector’s book Air, with fourteen lithographs and etchings. Sebastià Gasch publishes the monograph Tàpies. The Rome gallery Il Collezionista d’Arte Contemporanea presents the retrospective exhibition Antoni Tàpies. Opere 1946-1970. Solo exhibitions in Cologne, London, Balstahl, Palma de Majorca, Malmö and Barcelona.


He is awarded the Rubens Prize in Siegen, Germany, coinciding with a retrospective exhibition of his work there (Städtische Galerie im Haus Seel). Joan Miró appoints him a member of the board of the foundation he has just created. Attends the opening of the exhibition Tàpies. Objets et grands formats (Galerie Maeght, Paris). Vera Linhartova publishes the monograph Tàpies. He takes part, with John Cage and Bob Thompson, in the exhibition Concept and Content (Martha Jackson Gallery, New York).


In Paris again for the opening of his retrospective at the Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, the show subsequently travels to Geneva (Musée Rath) and Charleroi (Palais des Beaux-Arts). Intensifies his activity as an essayist, publishing a number of texts during the year in various periodicals. Produces a series of lithographs for the book La clau del foc, with a foreword and a selection of texts by Pere Gimferrer. He also creates the first projects for the collector’s book Llull-Tàpies, not published until 1985 and, together with other artists, contributes to the book in homage to Joan Miró, L’Émerveillé merveilleux. Mariuccia Galfetti publishes Tàpies. Obra gráfica 1947-1972. Solo exhibitions in Barcelona, Los Angeles, Seville, Bonn and Madrid.