On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.



Receives the British Arts Council Prize on the occasion of the International Exhibition of Printmaking, and is awarded the Stephan-Lochner-Medaille in Cologne. Publishes L’art contra l’estètica, a new compilation of articles and statements. Publication of the monographs Antoni Tàpies i l’esperit català, by Pere Gimferrer, and Antoni Tàpies. Zeichen und Strukturen, by Werner Schmalenbach. Retrospective exhibitions in Humlebæk (Louisiana Museum), Berlin (Nationalgalerie), London (Hayward Gallery) and Swansea (Glynn Vivian Art Gallery). In Paris (Galerie Maeght) he presents a series of monotypes, motivated to a large extent by the political situation in Spain and in particular by the execution of the Catalan anarchist Salvador Puig Antich. Solo exhibitions in Düsseldorf, London, Toronto, Göteborg, Mexico City and New York.


Contributes with a lithograph and a poster to the campaign mounted by various civic entities calling for the abolition of the death penalty in Spain, and participates in various actions organised by opponents of the Franco regime in favour of an amnesty for political prisoners and the definitive return of democratic freedoms. Produces five etchings for the book Ça suit son cours by Edmond Jabès, and a series of engravings for a book by Jean Daive, and collaborates with Shuzo Takiguchi on the work Llambrec material. Solo exhibitions in Barcelona, Zurich, New York, Basle, Seville, Los Angeles, Geneva, Palma de Majorca and Madrid.


Travels to Saint-Paul-de-Vence, where he attends the opening of his retrospective at the Fondation Maeght, subsequently shown at the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona. In Venice he visits the Biennale, where he shows in the exhibition Spagna: Vanguarda artistica e realtà sociale. In various texts written in the course of the year he reflects on the condition of the artist, politics and the ethical commitments of “culture workers”, manifesting the concerns of Spanish intellectuals as the country begins the transition towards democracy. A new retrospective exhibition in Tokyo (Seibu Museum of Art). Georges Raillard publishes the monograph Tàpies. Solo exhibitions in Boston, Paris, Geneva, Girona, Munich and Barcelona.