On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.



Unveiling in Barcelona of the artist’s monumental sculpture in homage to Picasso. Designs the paving of the Plaça de Catalunya in Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona), assisted by J. Gardy Artigas. Awarded the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Appointed Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government. Produces posters for the World Committee of Artists against Apartheid as a contribution to the struggle against racial discrimination around the world, for the Comitè Català d’Acció per la Pau i el Desarmament and to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of Salvador Allende. Attends the opening of his exhibition at the Abbaye de Sénanque (Gordes, France). The Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona presents an anthological exhibition of his posters, books and record covers. Solo exhibitions in Hannover, Zurich, Paris and Barcelona.


He attends the opening of his exhibition of ceramic sculptures produced between 1981 and 1983 in Zurich (Galerie Maeght Lelong). Travels to San Sebastián for his anthological exhibition at the Museo Municipal de San Telmo. The United Nations Association in Spain awards him the Peace Prize and the Rembrandt Prize from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Stiftung in Basle. Publication of the collector’s book L’estació, with a text by J.V. Foix and engravings by Tàpies. Collaborates with Edmond Jabès on the book Dans la double dépendance du dit. Victòria Combalia publishes the monograph Tàpies. The Fundació Antoni Tàpies is constituted in Barcelona, at the artist’s own initiative. Solo exhibitions in West Berlin, Paris, Cologne, Madrid, Stockholm, Seoul, Tokyo, New York and Frankfurt.


Publishes Per un art modern i progressista, a fourth collection of writings and statements. Travels to Milan on the occasion of his retrospective exhibition organised by the City Council at the Palazzo Reale and simultaneously four Milan galleries exhibit the artist’s recent works. In Brussels he attends the opening of a new anthological exhibition of his work (Musée d’art moderne), as part of Europalia 85. The French government awards him the Prix National de Peinture, and he is appointed member of Stockholm’s Kungliga Akadamien för de Fria Konsterna. He is also awarded the Internationale Triennale für farbige Originalgrafik Prize in Grenchen, Switzerland. Publication of Llull-Tàpies (project begun in 1973), with engravings by the artist, Pere Gimferrer’s selection of texts by Ramon Llull and an epilogue by Miquel Batllori. Solo exhibitions in Barcelona, San Francisco, Madrid, Milan, Düsseldorf, Helsinki, Knokke-le-Zoute, Alcoi, Albacete and Paris.