On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.



The Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) presents the exhibition Antoni Tàpies. Retrospectiva, for which the book Tàpies en perspectiva is published and which subsequently travels to Valladolid (Patio Herreriano) and Mexico (Museo de Arte de Zapopán). The bibliophile book Cranc-cranc, which Tàpies has produced, together with the composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, is published. The Fundación General of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid commissions him to design the poster for the summer courses of El Escorial. He attends the presentation of the documentary T de Tàpies, directed by Carolina Tubau and produced by Televisió de Catalunya. The Fundación Marcelino Botín in Santander presentes the exhibition Antoni Tàpies. Una arquitectura de lo visible. In Madrid he attends the opening of the exhibition Tàpies. Tierras (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía). Other solo exhibitions in Rio de Janeiro (Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil) and Barcelona (Galeria Toni Tàpies).


San Sebastian and Barcelona present a joint work by Tàpies and José Saramago produced to support Elkarri, a social movement which advocates a model of peace and dialogue to resolve the Basque conflict. He attends a recital by the flamenco singer Manuel Cuevas to mark the tribute paid to him by the Festival Internacional del Cante de la Minas (La Unión, Murcia). The work entitled 7 de novembre (1971) has been donated to the Catalan Parliament to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of its reestablishment, and a commemorative serigraph is being carried out. Retrospective exhibition at the Hara Museum in Tokyo; the exhibition will later travel to Singapore (Singapore Art Museum). Tàpies was awarded the Lissone Prize for his entire career. He produces the commemorative poster for the celebration of the 15th birthday of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. New solo exhibitions at the Waddington Galleries in London and the Galerie Lelong in Zurich.


The eight volume of the artist’s complete works is presented at a public event at the Barcelona Athenaeum in the middle of June. In November, three exhibitions – held almost simultaneously at the Galerie Lelong (Paris), the Galería Soledad Lorenzo (Madrid) and the Galeria Toni Tàpies (Barcelona) – show the painter’s most recent work done in his studios in Barcelona and Campins over the course of the spring and summer this same year. At the same time, the exhibition Forms for the 21st Century. Recent Work by Antoni Tàpies, part of the Urban Majorities 1900-2005 Project, based at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, opens in the IES Barri Besòs secondary school in Barcelona, where it is visited over the course of a week by almost 1.700 secondary school pupils. The bibliophile book Le soleil vu de dos, with articles by Jacques Dupin and prints by Tàpies, is presented. Towards the end of December, he attends the opening of the retrospective exhibition Tàpies’ Posters and the Public Sphere at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona. Other solo shows of his work are mounted in Porto, Lisbon, London, New York and Toulon.