On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.



Antoni Tàpies invited us to look at the world from an open, critical and reflexive perspective. This is why the Museu Tàpies regards his work as a good starting point for education, seen here as an invitation to think in common and as a space for the production of knowledge.

On the occasion of Tàpies Centenary Year, and in addition to the dynamic visits, the urban tours and other regular activities that the Museum offers to people of all ages and from an accessible position, we have organised a series of delocalised actions especially addressed to the educational community, in order to bring the artist’s universe to the entire territory.

We have also organised the 1 st ‘Teresa Barba’ Critical Writing Competition, aimed at students in primary and secondary education, as well as the activation of research processes in collaboration with Sala d’Art Jove.