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Conferences on art and spirituality in the artwork of Picasso, Tàpies and Miró


22 May | 17:00-21:00


Public Programme

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Museu Tàpies

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From 21 to 24 May 2024

Pompeu Fabra University, Antoni Tàpies Foundation, Joan Miró Foundation and Picasso Museum


In 2023, what has been called the triple commemoration “Picasso 2023 / Tàpies 2024 / Miró 2025” begins in Barcelona and Catalonia. In 2023, we celebrate the 50th. anniversary of Picasso’s death and the 60th. of the opening of the Museum that bears his name. The year 2024 is the centenary of the birth of Tàpies, and 2025, the 50th. anniversary of the inauguration of the Joan Miró Foundation.

As an important event within the programming of the Tàpies Year and the triple commemoration, with the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia and with the collaboration of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, the Museu Picasso and the Fundació Joan Miró, the Conferences on art and spirituality in the artwork of Picasso, Tàpies and Miró encourage intellectual and artistic debate between outstanding scholars, artists and thinkers, with the epicenter in the Antoni Tàpies Meditation Room of the UPF.

The second day of conferences, on Wednesday 22 May, will concentrate the events at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, with the participation of the art scholar Martine Heredia, the poet and essayist Alfonso Alegre and the artist Susy Gómez. There will also be a conversation between the artist Antoni Llena and the conference director, Manuel Guerrero, and the special issue of the magazine Engramma dedicated to Antoni Tàpies will be presented, with Imma Prieto, director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Monica Centanni, director of Engramma, and Victoria Cirlot and Ada Naval, editors of this issue of the magazine.


Directors of the conference: Victoria Cirlot, professor in the Department of Humanities at Pompeu Fabra University, and Manuel Guerrero, critic and essayist.




Antoni Tàpies. Mocador i vernís, 1993. © Private Collection, Barcelona / Vegap © Photography: Davide Camesasca, 2024.

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