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Following the Sun: Candela Capitán


18 May | 12:00-14:00


Public Programme

Meeting point

Museu Tàpies


Free session for the International Museum Day

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The roof of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies is to become an experimental playground for Opimelissa, a collective who cook, sing, dance and lots more. We’ll be following the sun with the gentle irony and humour of Júlia Barbany, the architecture of the catchy electrosong of Petit Ibèric, the philosophical canticles of Max Grosse about the life and lovesickness of an odd sock with a hole in it, the egodilirium of the sharp-penned dramatist and writer Berta Prieto (if you don’t know who she is yet, you’re living in a cave!), the rhythm of DJ, performer and militant for self-governance Meritxell de Soto, the overflowing energy of tender, multi-faceted punkmother Belén Barenys, the experimental Latin music of Deprerreo, the contorted body of Candela Capitán, who denounces the sexualisation of women through convulsive metrics.

Third session of the programme Following the Sun, an experimental series of sound and stage performances, presenting nine new sessions by young creative talents. The programme, curated and produced by Carolina Olivares Esturillo, aims to promote the youthful, inexhaustible energy of artists to light up and give new life to Tàpies’ solitary sock that presides over the Fundació’s roof terrace.


Third session: Candela Capitán

Control tools in freedom, cowbells and algorithms, “slow living” and “screen hypnotism” are the basis of CELDA SONORA, the new solo by Candela Capitán (Seville, 1996) for the cycle “Following the sun”, curated by Carolina Olivares Esturillo, at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, which will be presented on May 18 to celebrate International Museum Day.


CELDA SONORA is a “dance” process that explores the body and movement to demystify the idea of ​​finding a deeper connection with oneself, others and the environment through the New Age phenomenon. This piece fuses two instruments of free control as disparate as the cowbell and the algorithm, and implements what Captain calls “Slow Living movement practice” in dance. The constrained body and a rudimentary soundtrack are the response to technological saturation, the accelerated pace and search for instant gratification that characterize much of contemporary generations.


Candela Capitán is an action artist and choreographer. Her personal work explores the activation and deactivation of social links, putting the body in relation to other bodies, objects and images collective. New communication technologies, relationships cross-border interactions between artistic disciplines or the intergenerational impact and its consequences are some of the subjects that his projects go through.These serve to create dream spaces and parallel realities in the form of choreographies, installations or performances that invite audience to participate directly in their tensions, joys and delusions. Mostly uses the language of performance to study the limits of dance, thanks to an exhaustive knowledge of the body in movement and its presence on stage. Her works are developed in different media (live actions,facilities or the audiovisual field) and vehicles (through platforms virtual or live), with the aim of finding different channels of interconnection with the public or questioning artistic disciplines and their possibilities.


Programme curated and produced by Carolina Olivares Esturillo

Design: Ana Habash and Ignasi Ayats. Illustrated by: Eduard Sales

Ticket sales through the Fundació website and at the box office. Limited capacity

Link to the full programme.

Institutional sponsors
