On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Antoni Tàpies. Collection [1]





Catàleg “Kerry James Marshall” Postal Black Love

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The Fundació presents a new selection of works by Antoni Tàpies from the Collection. The exhibition is arranged in chronological order from the 1940s to the present, and includes the donation by Antoni and Teresa Tàpies, in 2007, of the work Complementaris (Complementaries), exhibited here for the first time.

The selection also includes the film Antoni Tàpies, 1982, by André S. Labarthe, a documentary that has rarely been seen in Spain, despite a Spanish version having been made in 1985. The film shows the process of realisation of the work Gran nus (Large Knot), 1982, which belongs to the Fundació and is also included in the exhibition. The film includes images of Antoni Tàpies reading various texts that have a special relevance for the artist. Among others, Tàpies reads texts by J. V. Foix, Joan Brossa and, in particular, a selection of extracts from a French translation of the book Zen in der Kunst des Bogenschießens [English translation: Zen in the Art of Archery]. The present selection includes rarely seen works, such as the painting Llinda (Lintel), 1975, or the sculpture Lingam. Forma embenada (Lingam. Bandaged Form), 1988. An audio-guide service is available in six languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.