On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Collection 2007





Catàleg “Kerry James Marshall” Postal Black Love

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Nuria Enguita Mayo.

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Fundació Antoni Tàpies presents a new selection of works from the Collection, featuring paintings, sculptures, drawings and engravings from the 1940s to the present.

This year’s selection also includes the work Matèria i cartons (Matter and Cardboards, 2006), Antoni and Teresa Tàpies’ latest donation to the foundation. The exhibition adopts a chronological arrangement to highlight the conceptual and formal unity that runs through the work of Antoni Tàpies whilst also illustrating the parallels between his artistic career and contemporary political, social and artistic events.

Seen in this light, the work of Antoni Tàpies is modern in the strictest sense of the word: the revival of the surrealist movement in the late 1940s as a rejection of the conservative art encouraged by the Franco regime; the political engagement that characterised Catalan and Spanish intellectual movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s; the return to the pictorial surface in the 80s, which reflected the revival of painting on the international art scene; Tàpies’ growing interest in Oriental art and philosophy in the 90s; and, in recent years, his references both to current political events and to his own work.