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FAQ: Zone of frequently asked questions





Catàleg “Kerry James Marshall” Postal Black Love

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With FAQ: Zone of frequently asked questions we open an area for active debate between the different agents that share a specific spatial-temporal space. In opening up this zone, the limits of each agent are suspended, leading to a questioning of the different ways of doing things and the possibility of experimenting within a shared practice.

What role do institutions dedicated to knowledge, reflection and artistic production play today? How should the relation between institutions, curators, artists, researchers, public and other agents be rethought and re-established? How can artistic practice take part in the debates on the re-articulation of the social, political and economic entities? How should process and research be communicated? How can strategies be combined in the short and the long term? How can doubts and practices be shared? How should other people’s questions and answers be handled? How can the act of questioning be made central? How can the different ways of doing things be articulated? What is the meaning of a collaborative project? Should we work together? How can solidarity and complementarity be activated? How should production, research, exhibition and debate be articulated? How and when are spaces for exhibitions, performances and workshops necessary?

With FAQ: Zone of frequently asked questions we open an area for active debate between the different agents that share a specific spatial-temporal space. This is a space of emergency resulting from the convergence of a series of initiatives based in Barcelona. In opening up this zone, the limits of each agent are suspended, leading to a questioning of the different ways of doing things and the possibility of experimenting within a shared practice. Two exhibition spaces and different presentation formats are available. For three months, the starting point of the processes will be the questions arising from the different practices of the participating agents.

FAQ: Zone of frequently asked questions is a meeting point between the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Idensitat, Sala d’Art Jove and Hangar. The aim is to facilitate a dialogue through a programme of exhibitions, interventions in the public space, activities, debates and other events resulting from the convergence of the practices of numerous artists, theoreticians, cultural administrators and activists.

During the project three cycles will be developed:

Fuga: variacions sobre una exposició. 15 November – 13 December

FACTOTUM. 18 December – 9 February

DISPOSTIVOS POST. 23 – 25 January

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