On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Tàpies’ Posters and the Public Sphere





Catàleg “Kerry James Marshall” Postal Black Love

More information


Antoni Tàpies.


Nuria Enguita Mayo.


21/12/2006 – 25/2/2007, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona

9/10/2007 – 18/11/2007, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid

20/12/2007 – 3/2/2008, MuVIM – Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat, Valencia

14/2/2008 – 19/3/2008, Instituto Cervantes de Toulouse, Toulouse

6/5/2008 – 15/7/2008, Instituto Cervantes de Praga, Prague

October/November 2008, Instituto Cervantes de Berlín, Berlin

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This exhibition, which brings together an extensive collection of posters produced by Antoni Tàpies between 1950 and the present day, aims to display a two-fold testimony: the development of a plastic arts language at the service of the communication purpose of the poster on one side, and the commitment of the artist to political and social events in contemporary history on the other.

“Tàpies’ poster production can be classified into two broad groups. Firstly, the posters he produced for his own exhibitions. Secondly, those that engage with the public sphere and which constitute invaluable graphic and artistic testimony to certain needs and aspirations felt by civil society, as well as other cultural realities forming part of our recent past. Tàpies’ posters also provide documentary material of the highest order, both on general issues (the abolition of the death penalty, amnesty and human rights, protests against nuclear power, calls for peace or against apartheid, etc.) and particular questions (defending Chile, Bosnia, etc.). However, above all his posters are connected to events in the social, cultural and political history of Catalonia, both during the last years of the Franco regime and during the period from the restoration of democracy to the present, with posters dedicated to the Assembly of Catalonia, commemorating the Catalan national day on 11 September and the fifth centenary of the first book printed in Catalan, defending the Catalan masters and music sung in Catalan, as well as those announcing or commemorating other important events, such as the festivities of La Mercè, the establishment of the Catalan broadcasting company in 1983 and the international recognition of Catalan culture. To this we should also add a subgroup comprising the artist’s homages to writers, poets, musicians, film directors and intellectuals, and which introduce a new use of the poster as an open, public letter.”

Nuria Enguita Mayo