On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Tàpies’ Year Opening


The Fundació Antoni Tàpies is pleased to invite you to the celebration of the centenary of the artist’s birth, which will take place on Wednesday, 13 December 2023.


The aim of this commemoration is to consolidate the Fundació’s commitment to re-evaluate the figure and work of Antoni Tàpie. The Centenary marks the beginning of a new era in the institution founded by the artist, while revisiting his capacity for dialogue and his interaction with the time in which he lived, from a critical and open view of the future.


The Tàpies’ Year program, which will run throughout 2024, includes exhibitions, publications, educational activities, unique events and creation and research projects.






· 10.00 to 15.30 h.| Opening

Visit to the exhibitions and artistic actions. Free admission. 


A morning for visiting the new exhibitions and enjoying the performative readings related to eight chapters of Antoni Tàpies’ book.


The event will begin with the inauguration of the Fundació’s two new exhibitions: Tàpies. The Zen Imprint, focused on the artist’s interest in this Eastern tradition, and A=A, B=B, that reflects beauty and poetry in the process of creating scientific knowledge.


During the morning of December 13, between 10:00 and 15:30, it will be possible to freely access the museum to visit the exhibitions and enjoy the reading activations linked to the eight chapters of Antoni Tàpies’ book Memòria Personal. Fragments d’una autobiografia.


Eight artists will offer eight short gestures (between 5 and 10 minutes) that will articulate a polyphonic, lively and current story of the artist’s life, thoughts and work. The actions will take place every 30 minutes throughout the morning.


Activations: Memòria personal. Eight gestures for a biography, with the participation of:


11.00 h. Laia Estruch: The city and childhood.

11.30 h. Mohamad Bitari: The republic. War.

12.00 h. Ihosvanny Cisneros: Sick youth.

12.30 h. Laura Alcalà: Vocation and love.

13.00 h. Fèlix Pons: Catalan roots. Psychoanalysis and Marxism.

13.30 h. Agnès Pe: Paris. Teresa. The desert.

14.00 h. Fito Conesa: New York. Confirmation of a speech.

14.30 h. Vignesh Melwani: The east and the practice of walking.



· At 7:00 p.m. | Inaugural commemoration

With prior reservation. Limited capacity.


At 7:00 p.m., commemoration with the participation of Raimon and performances by Jordi Savall and Marina Herlop.


Raimon will transport us with his words to the moment he met Tàpies. Jordi Savall will perform two musical pieces, one Hebrew and one Arabic. A “Call for Peace.”


Antoni Tàpies was a lover of the most innovative music, and the performance by the young composer Marina Herlop, which will take place next, will allow us to imagine what the artist would have heard today.



· At 8:30 p.m. | Visit to the new exhibitions.

With prior reservation essential. Limited capacity.


Visit to the new exhibitions inaugurated: Tàpies. The Zen Imprint and A=A, B=B.



Image: F. Català-Roca. Antoni Tàpies working on Palla i fusta (Straw and wood) (1969), Campins, 1969. © Fons Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca – Arxiu Històric del COAC, 2023.