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  • imaginarios-urbanos-en-america-latina

Imaginarios urbanos en América Latina / Urban Imaginaries in Latin America


Price for friends: 36,00 €

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Book on the accumulation of registers-emblems, graffiti, family albums, acts of protest, etc., through which the citizens of several cities in Latin America imagine and build their civic experience.


Authors: Miguel Ángel Aguilar, Fernando Carrión, Daniel Hiernaux y Alicia Lindón, Manuel Delgado Ruiz, Lucrecia Escudero, Luz Mary Giraldo (et al.)

Publisher: Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Year of edition: 2007

Language: Spanish, English

Book format: 15 x 22 cm

Pages: 251 p.; b/w-color illustrations

Binding: paperback

ISBN: 978-84-88786-28-9


Additional information

Weight 1,2 kg