On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Tàpies Cartography. Dynamic visit


Dynamic visit to the exhibition of works by Antoni Tàpies. The visit consists of two parts:


· First part, in the Auditorium:

The first part will take place in the Auditorium, using a game of shadows to experiment with the expressive and plastic potential of everyday actions based on the interaction of the body, gesture and commonplace objects. The activity will allow us to focus on Antoni Tàpies’ interest in daily rituals and how we experience them.


· Second part, in the exhibition galleries:

 At each stop on this visit, a particular piece and an associated dynamic will invite us to reflect on different aspects of the works and their creative processes. We will experience the exhibition establishing personal links with some of the exhibited works, as well as the sculpture Mitjó (Sock).




In this link you will find proposals to be carried out with the students in the classroom before and after the visit to the Museum.


Before visiting the Museum, we suggest working on Antoni Tàpies’ text “The Game of Knowing How to Look” in the classroom. It could be read in its entirety or a particularly interesting passage could be selected. This can be done in the way that seems most appropriate to the context: for example, carrying out a related creative activity or discussing what the text suggests to us and what we associate it wit
