On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


The Collection

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The collection of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies features over 2,100 works that reflect the almost seventy years of Antoni Tàpies’ artistic production. A large part of these works was donated by the artist and his wife, Teresa Barba, at the time of the Fundació’s creation. The works in the Collection allow us to appreciate the diversity of artistic languages with which Tàpies worked and to understand the complexity of his creative practice. In the fonds of the Fundació we find paintings, drawings, objects, sculptures and graphic work, the latter including lithographs, etchings, artist’s books and posters, among others.


By looking at this production as a whole we can trace the personal and artistic career of one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Given the relevance of Tàpies’ work in art historiography, pieces from the Collection are often included in exhibitions, both here and throughout the world.



Image: Antoni Tàpies working at his atelier in Barcelona, 1966-1967. Photography of Ralph Herrmanns © Ralph Herrmanns, 2023.