On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Tàpies’ Chairs. Félix Denuit




Tàpies’ Chairs is a cycle of multidisciplinary sound actions organised within the framework of the Tàpies Centenary Year at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, in collaboration with the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).


It focuses on the voice and the word as a sound accompaniment to oral memory, which is universal. Each of the thirteen sessions will be conducted by an artist who will use the chair as a performative element to reconnect with Tàpies’ creative universe by means of expressive languages and a contemporary staging.


T.N.T.: Tàpies New Testament, conceived by Félix Denuit, will be the second in the cycle of Tàpies’ Chairs. Félix Denuit is a heteronym for Xavier Bassas, who for many years has been doing performances in which poetry thinks and philosophy raves. For Denuit, Tàpies’ works were like an explosion in art. A detonator, a subversive way of treating painting, the picture, colours, and countless ordinary and spiritual things.


– But how can we provoke a new Tàpies explosion in this day and age?

– Trinitrotoluene is a very explosive chemical compound known as TNT.

-And, in fact, it has the same yellow colour as the varnish in some of Tàpies’ paintings.

-Do you know where to find TNT? How to make it explode?

– Yes.




· Voices: Marta Fiol
· Audiovisual editing: Juan Carlos Quindós

