On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Institute of Critical Derives

Antoni Tàpies. Caixó de serradures, 1969. Col·lecció Fundació Antoni Tàpies. © Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona / VEGAP. De la fotografia: © FotoGasull, 2024.


The Fundació Antoni Tàpies has founded and consolidated a stable group for theory, comprised of Xavier Bassas, Manuel Borja-Villel, Daniel García Andújar, Imma Prieto and Mabel Tapia, with the aim of focusing on the thought of Tàpies, articulating new interpretations and defining new readings and paradigms from his legacy.

The Institute of Critical Derives will organise five encounters a year at the Foundation, in an open, natural manner. All sessions will be recorded and the results will give way to new, unpublished material that will centre on the critical spirit and dialogistic will to construct ways of inhabiting the world.