On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Privacy policy

Privacy policy


In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/UE of 27 April, we inform you that the data you provide us will be part of a file with the following characteristics:






PURPOSE: The development, fulfilment and execution of the contract of purchase of the products that have been acquired and/or the management of additional services.


LEGITIMATION: Legitimate interest for the management of purchases. Consent of the interested party.


RECIPIENTS: No international data transfers will be made.


RIGHTS: Access, rectification, deletion, limitation, transferral, objection.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Consult the additional information below.







– Title:
– CIF:
– Address:
– Email:
– Phone:





The personal data provided will be processed for the following purposes, as appropriate:


I. The development, fulfilment and execution of the contract of purchase of the products that you have acquired or any other contract between us.


II. To address the requests that you raise with us.


III. In the event that you have explicitly accepted to receive commercial communications, your data will be used to provide information about the products and services of FUNDACIÓ ANTONI TÀPIES (whose activities are related to the sector of products associated with the museum, as well as the development and support of electronic commerce activities), including, in relation to said products, the sending of commercial communications by electronic mail or by any other equivalent means of electronic communication (such as SMS), as well as by telephone. If you are a registered user, you can change your preferences regarding the sending of such commercial communications by accessing the My Account section. You can unsubscribe through the Newsletter section.


IV. In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, you are responsible for having informed and having obtained their consent for the purposes detailed below. In the case of having proceeded to the purchase of a product (hereinafter, merchandise), the personal data of said third parties will be used only for (a) the management of the shipment or verification of receipt of the merchandise, and (b) attending to the requests that you or said third parties present to us.


V. By choosing to mark the option to save your card details, you expressly authorise us to process the data indicated as necessary for its activation and processing. The 3–4 digit CVV number on the card is only used to make the purchase in progress, and will not be stored or processed later as part of your card data. The consent for the  activation of this function allows your auto-completed data to appear in subsequent purchases, so it will not be necessary to enter your data each time, and it will be valid for subsequent purchases. You can odify your cards, as well as revoke your consent at any time by going to Cards at My Account. Your card data is stored and transmitted in accordance with the main international confidentiality and security protocols pertaining to credit and debit cards. For security reasons, the use of this function may require the modification of your access code. Remember that the security of thewebsite also depends on its proper use and the safekeeping of certain confidential passwords. The data will be kept for the time necessary to meet the user’s request or until the user requests its deletion. Likewise, the legal obligations of the company in tax matters must be taken into consideration.





The legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest for the provision of the requested service. In particular, FUNDACIÓ ANTONI TÀPIES has the following legitimate grounds upon which to process personal data:


Execution of the contract


The legal basis of the processing of personal data collected from the interested party is the execution of the contract of purchase.


Legal Obligations.


The management and issuance of the service provision invoice is based on the legal obligation of the company in relation to its customers.




Communications for advertising purposes and the management of sending information regarding exclusive promotions, updates and personalised information adapted to the profile of the interested party, will be sent only with explicit consent.





The personal data of the interested party can be transferred/communicated to the following recipients:


– Public Administrations and Organisations when required by fiscal, labour, Social Security or any other applicable


– Data processing companies and suppliers that provide services to the company (e.g., IT service providers, courier
services, agencies, consultants…)





Right of access.


You have the right to obtain confirmation about whether we are holding personal data concerning you or not, as well as accessing your personal data.


Right of rectification.


You have the right to request the rectification of personal data when such is inaccurate or to complete data when it is incomplete.


Right to delete.


You can request that personal data be deleted when, for example, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose it was initially collected.


Right of limitation.


You have the right to request the limitation of the processing of the data, in which case we will only keep this in the exercise or defence of possible claims.


Right of transferral.


You can request that your automated personal data be transferred to any other person by notifying us in a structured, commonly used and mechanical reading format.


Right of objection. 


You can object to the fact that personal data is retained. In this case, the data will be deleted, except where there are compelling legitimate reasons or in the exercise or defence of possible claims.


Interested parties may exercise their rights by writing to the person responsible for the file through the contacts indicated in the header and indicating that it is an ‘EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF DATA PROTECTION’.


To process the request, we may ask for proof of identity.


Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


For any query related to the privacy policy or data protection, please contact us by email: dpd@ftapies.com