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Guided visit to “A=A, B=B”


6 February | 18:00-19:00

Meeting point

Museu Tàpies



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Fundació Antoni Tàpies is pleased to present a guided tour of A=A, B=B, by Pep Vidal, curator of the exhibition.

A=A, B=B is an exhibition that tells us about the spirit of the scientific method, the reasons that make us pursue science, what science means in relation to ourselves, to art, etc.

Pep Vidal is an artist and scientist, with a degree in Mathematics and a doctorate in Physical Sciences. As a scientist, he works as an associate professor in the Physical Sciences Degree at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has produced numerous research articles published in scientific journals and proceedings for national and international conferences. He is also a collaborating professor at the Bachelor of Arts at BAU and at the Bachelor of Arts at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

As an artist, he has participated in artistic residencies at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, (Amsterdam, 2018), Hangar, (Barcelona, 2013-2015), FARE (2013, Milan), Casa Velázquez (2014, Madrid) and has made more than fifty exhibitions, including thirteen individual ones, among which stand out those held at the Abrons Arts Center (New York), the ADN Gallery (Barcelona), at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Barcelona), at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia (Maracaibo, Venezuela), at the Barcelona Gallery Weekend (Barcelona), at the Warsaw Gallery Weekend (Warsaw, Poland), at the LMNO Gallery (Brussels, Belgium), among others .

Activity as part of the Tàpies Year celebration.
