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“Deu estius a Campins”. My Antoni Tàpies


3 April | 18:00-19:00


Public Programme

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Museu Tàpies



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Antoni Llena’s Book presentation, with the author, Imma Prieto and Oriol Magrinyà.


For ten straight summers, Antoni Llena, one of the most important Catalan contemporary artists, visited his maestro and friend Antoni Tàpies at his studio in Campins, Catalonia. Upon return, he would put together his impressions of the artwork Tàpies had been working on that year in a notebook. The notebook would, in this way, bear witness to the creative process of a great artist, as seen by another who is acknowledged as both his disciple and critic. It also contains a body of intelligent, finely-tuned reflections on art, creation and the creative process itself.


On the occasion of the Tàpies Centenary Year, Editorial Barcino presents these mostly unpublished texts in a book that will be presented at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, with the participation of Antoni Llena, Oriol Magrinyà, head of Editorial Barcino, and Imma Prieto, director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies.


Antoni Llena (Barcelona, 1942) is esteemed as an innovator in the context of present-day contemporary art. His work, distinguished for its subtlety and elegance, constantly challenges conventional forms and the limits of art. He has published many books on the creative process, and writes regularly in the written press. He is currently a contributor to the newspaper Ara, and has also written for Avui and La Vanguardia, amongst others.





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