On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Museu Tàpies will close at 5 pm . Thanks for your understanding.


Public programme

The Fundació Antoni Tàpies is an institution that conceives itself as a living organism, generating knowledge and activating a critical spirit. In constructing the Foundation’s identity, public programmes play an essential role. They are created on the basis of a long series of exchanges and dialogues, with different activities and programmes that go beyond the exhibition programme.

We remain true to the will of Antoni Tàpies, the institution’s creator, striving to be a space from where to think about the world we are living in, with all its challenges and complexities, focusing on artistic practices understood as spaces for the confluence of knowledge and experience. For this reason, premised on the notion of thinking about our contemporary reality while remaining aware of historical legacies, our aim is to focus on the need to have a listening attitude before reality. Our intent is to create a programme conceived from out of exceptionality and excellence, responding to the present while at the same time transcending time and space.

The public programme of the institution is conceived in an interdisciplinary manner, placing the focus on art (in its many manifestations) and thought, while also considering further disciplines close to the world of Tàpies, such as science, music, writing, poetry, cinema and architecture, amongst many others. At the same time, this programme emerges out of the need to intertwine complicities and alliances with the city’s cultural, social and artistic fabric, with their own roots and specificities, but above all in connection to the present.